Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Leadership Train

It's come to my understanding that we are ALL LEADERS. We make choices that says otherwise... Like I believed I was a follower all my life. Whatever someone said to do, I did it. Put me in the forefront, I would shy away or not speak up because I didn't feel like I had it in me to lead people.

Through my personal development journey, I learned and realized that I do like to lead. I don't love it just yet, but I'm learning that in order for my business to succeed, I had to put aside feelings not discount my or others' emotions. But in order to lead people to their greatness, I had to step up and guide them the right way. 

If I led solely through emotions, I would be stuck. If I led solely through facts and figures, I wouldn't have any friends! Leading with both and most importantly with God as my foundation, growth happens. 

I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by great friends and families who believe, who have a positive outlook, who are ambitious and coachable. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

30 for 30

October seems to be a pretty significant month... Gunning for Blue Diamond and focusing on helping our team grow... Then GBC Pearlside throws this challenge... 30 days of 30 minutes of prayer with fasting for one day a week.

It seems as though God is telling me to focus on the right goal, the right thing... And He will take care of the rest. 

So it just seems appropriate to start the month of October with prayer, sheer focus on gratitude over financials, keeping Him as our foundation over all.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Healthy lifestyle

So it's been about a year now since I went on that 10 Day transformation. Wow and what a journey that has been. Both physically and financially blessed!

Healthier... Hmmm lost and kept off 20 lbs I thought was going to be a phase. Back doesn't hurt, I sleep better, my blood pressure is way better, and my soccer game has improved! Aminos, Astaxanthin, Super Life, and Bee Energetic are my friends! 

Financially... Have made enough money to have my partner stay home and run our business full time. Yeah, it's been very good... God has truly blessed us...

I'm not here to convince you that it's the way to go. That you gotta do it and sell you the reasons why. I'm just sharing my successes. 

Photo below is about a little over a year ago on the left. On the right is this past Saturday...

Friday, July 4, 2014

A year of Change and Personal Development

I was just looking at this past year - yeah... I haven't posted since last JULY. Wow... As a read them, I was a different person back then, and so much has changed since! I was a very depressed person it seemed. My posts were like Eeyore's black cloud. Many things have changed since then...

On September 7, 2013, I made my first change. I did a 10 Day Celebrity Transformation. Thank you to Dave Sandoval, my big sister and Arna for introducing this AMAZING healthy journey. I was on a path that was full of processed foods, eating unhealthy, but healthy, but not healthy enough. I was at an all time low weighing in at 125 lbs. No babies in this body any more but I was eating as if I had twins! I bought my first size 8 pants... haven't done that EVER.

So, I decided to make the change.

I received my kit on September 11th and started the next day. For 10 days, I took a vacation from regular food, regular eating. I had my aminos and my power shake 3 times a day with apothe cherry at night. When I was hungry, I had fruits and veggies with my aminos. If I wasn't hungry, I didn't. No coffee, no juice. No chocolatey desserts, no ice cream for 10 days.

The results - 6 lbs lost and over 10 inches disappeared all over my body. I went from a size 8 to a size 4. WTH... I did another 10 days a week later and boom kanani - lost another 6 lbs another 10 inches all around. I went from a size 4 to a size 2. I was done with processed foods, eating chocolate like it was going out of style, and coffee? Coffee was no longer a part of my daily lifestyle. In fact, it's been quite dusty lately... My daughter works for Starbucks, and I had to have her switch giving us coffee to giving us tea. I haven't had regular coffee since Christmas 2013. I have, on occasion, decaf.

I have more energy and excited about LIFE!

Since then, I've done multiple mini transformations (because if I do a full one, my pants fall down) and have helped over 500 people make the same choice to be healthy!