So it's been about a year now since I went on that 10 Day transformation. Wow and what a journey that has been. Both physically and financially blessed!
Healthier... Hmmm lost and kept off 20 lbs I thought was going to be a phase. Back doesn't hurt, I sleep better, my blood pressure is way better, and my soccer game has improved! Aminos, Astaxanthin, Super Life, and Bee Energetic are my friends!
Financially... Have made enough money to have my partner stay home and run our business full time. Yeah, it's been very good... God has truly blessed us...
I'm not here to convince you that it's the way to go. That you gotta do it and sell you the reasons why. I'm just sharing my successes.
Photo below is about a little over a year ago on the left. On the right is this past Saturday...