Thursday, November 17, 2011

When Joy is Missing in Your Life

What choice do you make on a dreary day, when the flowers wilt and the clouds hover in shades of gray? When the one you love speaks a harsh word, your body aches and the work you once loved seems but a bore? When there’s much to do and little time to do it, mistakes slow your progress, crisis holds you down, and you feel all alone in the wilderness of life?

These are the times when it’s easy to forget that joy is a choice. Joy is not just something that happens when circumstances are great—unless of course that’s the only time you allow yourself to receive the joy that is here for you. YOUR Joy cannot be limited by the people, events and circumstances in your life.

You are the sole individual capable of placing shackles on the feet of your joy. Fortunately, you are also the one who holds the key to those shackles.

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