Monday, February 27, 2012

I've Decided...

My birthday's come and gone, but my request is still going! I would like to have everyone that I know - run a race this year. Yup, any race. Could be a 5K, 10K, or even the marathon!

I've already done the Great Aloha Run. Next up (so far that I've signed up for):
March 4th - Women's 10K - used to be the Straub 10K - my kids will be running with me on this one!
April 7th - Ford Island Run - 10K
May - ??

Towards the end of the year:
September - half marathon
October - another 10K
November - PF Chang's 30K
December - Marathon

IF you run/jog/walk any of these races, then I'll have a shirt that will say "Flower Power" on it - and a thank you for keeping yourself healthy! Sounds like a good deal right?

Who's in???

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