Mele Kalikimaka a me Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Blood Drive
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Hanging out at Conie All Hair...
You know the new iPhone 4S, that has Siri? Well, itʻs not really all that accurate when it comes to HAWAIIAN WORDS, so you can only imagine...
"Conie all hair..."
"Conie okay..."
All equates to Kaneʻohe!!!
What the heck...
Friday, December 16, 2011
It's Christmas and what am I thinking...
I've realized that no matter what happens in life, I'm still always in control of my own destiny. No one can take that away from me.
Gosh, yeah, I know I have a lot of faults. A LOT. Now whether or not that is a good thing, I am who I am.
With all the blessings and positive things that have been happening in my life, I tend to take 10 steps back with the negative that pushes me on the inside and out.
Am I even making any sense????
Gosh, yeah, I know I have a lot of faults. A LOT. Now whether or not that is a good thing, I am who I am.
With all the blessings and positive things that have been happening in my life, I tend to take 10 steps back with the negative that pushes me on the inside and out.
Am I even making any sense????
Motivational Quote of the Day...
"Chase your passion - not your pension. If you are not doing what your passion is, you are putting it on layaway."
Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thoughts about the marathon
There were all walks of life that were running this marathon… from the HUGE Japanese entourage (they probably made the bulk of the runners), to the costumes that people wore…
People were running for many causes – Team to end Aids… Finding a cure for Leukemia… In memory of - their Mom, Dad, Grandma, friend, cousin… to thank everyone for help to Japan…
Some ran to start their life with someone by proposing before crossing the finish line… Some ran the race for the very first time (Like ME!) Some have ran it so many times, they could make a quilt! Young as 8 years old that day, to 93 years old…
Some ran in costume! I saw Darth Vader…the Viking guy… Mario and Luigi… a guy on stilts… Mickey and Minnie Mouse… a guy in a tux… a gal in a veil…a lady in a cheetah outfit… a guy in a tiger outfit… a Hawaiian Warrior (full getup too!)… Santa… a sexy Mrs. Claus…hats of all sorts that had characters on them like snowmen, antlers…many colored afros… tutus of all colors… someone ran with the American Flag all the way… some ran in cadence… some even ran BAREFEET. Crazy… there was one guy that had a swan/goose hat with the “matching” swan goose shorts – the swan/goose was bobbing up and down as he ran… I even saw a guy with an actual faucet in front of his shorts! What the heck…
What got me most of all were the people that came out to cheer all of us… Of course there were the sponsored events people – JAL, HIS, JTB, Satohap… with all their noise makers and cheering everyone to continue going… there were the smaller stores like Lululemon that had their signs of encouragement – “You are a winner” “You can do it” “I believe in You”…
There were families and friends that came out to cheer for their significant other with food and signs… I got choked up with the first two signs running up Kapiolani Blvd.. a little girl in her stroller at 5:15 in the morning. Her Dad was there sipping his cup of coffee. She was holding a sign “I love you mommy!”… Then there was an elderly lady with her big white sign that read “You are all Winners!”
I thanked people that were just saying such wonderful words, encouraging us to continue. They were out there cheering us on and I had no idea who they were! I told them “Thank you for being there.”
When starting the race, I looked up at the moonlit sky, and thanked God and my Mom…. The fireworks were amazing!!! I couldn’t stop looking at the sky so lit up in lights! There were over 27,000 people that were running the race and yes, for those of you that thought we were crazy… yes, there were thousands of us that certainly were!
When I saw my family, my sister was taking pictures of us running.. my kiddies with their signs that read “Awesome You”… I was told later that it was supposed to say “You are Awesome”. Ha ha ha! I think the 1st one was sufficient enough.
As of today, I’m finally recovered… had my pedicure the next day, and relaxed. I’m ready to go back to running and staying fit again for the next race. What’s that you ask? The Great Aloha Run, Ford Island Run, Pearl Harbor Run… just for starters…
People were running for many causes – Team to end Aids… Finding a cure for Leukemia… In memory of - their Mom, Dad, Grandma, friend, cousin… to thank everyone for help to Japan…
Some ran to start their life with someone by proposing before crossing the finish line… Some ran the race for the very first time (Like ME!) Some have ran it so many times, they could make a quilt! Young as 8 years old that day, to 93 years old…
Some ran in costume! I saw Darth Vader…the Viking guy… Mario and Luigi… a guy on stilts… Mickey and Minnie Mouse… a guy in a tux… a gal in a veil…a lady in a cheetah outfit… a guy in a tiger outfit… a Hawaiian Warrior (full getup too!)… Santa… a sexy Mrs. Claus…hats of all sorts that had characters on them like snowmen, antlers…many colored afros… tutus of all colors… someone ran with the American Flag all the way… some ran in cadence… some even ran BAREFEET. Crazy… there was one guy that had a swan/goose hat with the “matching” swan goose shorts – the swan/goose was bobbing up and down as he ran… I even saw a guy with an actual faucet in front of his shorts! What the heck…
What got me most of all were the people that came out to cheer all of us… Of course there were the sponsored events people – JAL, HIS, JTB, Satohap… with all their noise makers and cheering everyone to continue going… there were the smaller stores like Lululemon that had their signs of encouragement – “You are a winner” “You can do it” “I believe in You”…
There were families and friends that came out to cheer for their significant other with food and signs… I got choked up with the first two signs running up Kapiolani Blvd.. a little girl in her stroller at 5:15 in the morning. Her Dad was there sipping his cup of coffee. She was holding a sign “I love you mommy!”… Then there was an elderly lady with her big white sign that read “You are all Winners!”
I thanked people that were just saying such wonderful words, encouraging us to continue. They were out there cheering us on and I had no idea who they were! I told them “Thank you for being there.”
When starting the race, I looked up at the moonlit sky, and thanked God and my Mom…. The fireworks were amazing!!! I couldn’t stop looking at the sky so lit up in lights! There were over 27,000 people that were running the race and yes, for those of you that thought we were crazy… yes, there were thousands of us that certainly were!
When I saw my family, my sister was taking pictures of us running.. my kiddies with their signs that read “Awesome You”… I was told later that it was supposed to say “You are Awesome”. Ha ha ha! I think the 1st one was sufficient enough.
As of today, I’m finally recovered… had my pedicure the next day, and relaxed. I’m ready to go back to running and staying fit again for the next race. What’s that you ask? The Great Aloha Run, Ford Island Run, Pearl Harbor Run… just for starters…
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Honolulu Marathon 2011

First of all, I’d like to thank key people that helped me through this journey to the Honolulu Marathon… God… thank you for allowing me to walk, run, and do things that I am able to do because you made me to be who I am. Mom… for being my guardian angel, watching over me, taking care of me from where you are… it’s because of you that I am inspired by your determination when things were down, you still continued to persevere. I love you forever MOMMY!!!
To Emma Chang - You are an inspiration to all. In honor of you, your light will always shine in those that believe, that anything is possible. Thank you for being a part of this life. I know you are certainly shining in the next! Love and miss your light! God bless you!
To my Sis, Ger – my Manang… you have been MY wind and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Thank you for the carbo loading night! That was perfect!! Thank you for bringing my kiddies to the finish line! And the beautiful signs!!! Thank you for the pictures that I will FOREVER cherish. You captured expressions and moments that I will look back and tear and smile joyfully as I was able to cross the finish line.
My Chillin’s… Jayna – Thank you for the iShuffle “Kermit”…I was able to listen to music the entire duration of the race… Chrislyn – Thank you for loading HUNDREDS of music onto Kermit. I didn’t even get to loop through all the songs. How ironic that at the moment I was feeling down and only 2 miles to go, what song comes up? Today My Life Begins… Ethan – Thank you for always encouraging me that I can do it! Your hugs, your smiles, you make everything in the world disappear and I can only see you and your heart. Thank you. You three are my feet that keep me going!!!
My Friends – so countless! Trudie – encouraging me from afar and eating carbs to get ready “with” me. Chica Apisa – you are so forever my lifelong friend! Arna - for believing in me!!! You are a beautiful light! My co-workers Lele, Yushiu, Ashlyn, Christian, Joann, Sarah, Dennis… so many of you that helped me believe, get ready, and continue to encourage me. Lele, thank you for holding down the fort on Monday!!! HAF – Diane and Kimo… thank you for having Deana and I join and crossfit with your ‘ohana. I am so sorry we didn’t get to stop by! I was so sore!!!! My Leahi Moms gang… I am so grateful to have you all in my life! Thank you for believe in me too! Tracey… What can I say? I think we were soul sisters… I miss you immensely!!! To all my FB friends – you are amazing to me! Each and every post you wrote made me realize how I am blessed to have GREAT friends!!! I don’t want to miss anyone else, but know that I am SO grateful and encouraged and feel so LOVED by ALL OF YOU!!!
My running mate & best friend Deana – thank you. August 2010, you broke your right ankle and were out of commission for 5 months… no running, no jumping, no soccer, no nothing. You were determined to be physically fit and ready for spring soccer 2011. With pt all squared away, your first run was the Great Aloha Run. That was 8 miles… then the Ford Island Run 10K… the half marathon 13 miles… the Freedom Run 10K…the PF Chang 30K… Turkey Trot 10K… and now the 26 mile run – the Honolulu Marathon… What a year to complete that many runs and still played soccer! Yes, you inspire me! Even though I pushed you to run 16 miles, you pushed me the final 4 to keep going. Thank you for everything!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Two Days and Counting!!!
Can't believe it...
Picked up the race packets today - I'm number 6030. Apparently, if you download an app, you can track me by the chip I'll be wearing on my shoe!
Okay - no turning back now!!
Here we go!
Thank you all for supporting!
Honolulu Marathon - here we go!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
2200 cal of carbs
Do you know how much 2,200 calories of carbs is??? I have to consume that much by this Saturday, 5:00 pm.
2 cups dry breakfast cereal (48g carbs)
1 cup nonfat milk (12g carbs)
1 banana (27g carbs)
2 halves toasted English muffin with 2 tbs. strawberry jam (25 + 26g carbs)
8 oz orange juice (26g carbs)...................................................................................................164g carbs
1 PowerBar® Performance Energy bar (45g carbs)
1 cup of fresh fruit salad (32g carbs)
8oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (17g carbs)...................................................................................................94g carbs
1 turkey sandwich with 2 slices sourdough bread (30g carbs)
1 cup fresh or canned fruit (32g carbs)
16oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (34g carbs)...................................................................................................96g carbs
16oz fruit smoothie (62g carbs)
5 saltine crackers (11g carbs)...................................................................................................73g carbs
2 cups noodles with stir-fried chicken (80g carbs)
1 cup broccoli (10g carbs)
1 cup fresh fruit (32g carbs)
20oz soft drink (68g carbs)...................................................................................................190g carbs
PowerBar® Performance Energy bar (45g carbs)
8oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (17g carbs)...................................................................................................62g carbs
Total: ...................................679g carbs
Now that's ONLY 679 carbs for the day. I KNOW I didn't have anything close to that!!! ACK!!! Even if I was to start now, I wouldn't have made my mark.
Well, it's lasagna tonight. I had Pho this afternoon... hmm... Spaghetti tomorrow... what else...
2 cups dry breakfast cereal (48g carbs)
1 cup nonfat milk (12g carbs)
1 banana (27g carbs)
2 halves toasted English muffin with 2 tbs. strawberry jam (25 + 26g carbs)
8 oz orange juice (26g carbs)...................................................................................................164g carbs
1 PowerBar® Performance Energy bar (45g carbs)
1 cup of fresh fruit salad (32g carbs)
8oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (17g carbs)...................................................................................................94g carbs
1 turkey sandwich with 2 slices sourdough bread (30g carbs)
1 cup fresh or canned fruit (32g carbs)
16oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (34g carbs)...................................................................................................96g carbs
16oz fruit smoothie (62g carbs)
5 saltine crackers (11g carbs)...................................................................................................73g carbs
2 cups noodles with stir-fried chicken (80g carbs)
1 cup broccoli (10g carbs)
1 cup fresh fruit (32g carbs)
20oz soft drink (68g carbs)...................................................................................................190g carbs
PowerBar® Performance Energy bar (45g carbs)
8oz Ironman PERFORM™ sports drink (17g carbs)...................................................................................................62g carbs
Total: ...................................679g carbs
Now that's ONLY 679 carbs for the day. I KNOW I didn't have anything close to that!!! ACK!!! Even if I was to start now, I wouldn't have made my mark.
Well, it's lasagna tonight. I had Pho this afternoon... hmm... Spaghetti tomorrow... what else...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Pearl Harbor 70th Anniversary is its last...
Seventy years ago, Pearl Harbor was bombed and over 2,000 military (not including civilians) were gone in a matter of time... Here we are now with just a handful of those surviving and no more commemorative moments every year. Today was its last. How tearful to read through the writings, watching the videos and seeing the tears in these people's eyes... They were here to let us know, to let us remember, they were once "kids" too and they had to grow up so fast in a time when it was just fun, be in Hawaii, and be so carefree.
Don't forget ever. Their memories will always be remembered by those that will share the stories.
Don't forget ever. Their memories will always be remembered by those that will share the stories.
OMG... 4 more days...
Preparing for this marathon has definitely been a journey... I think with all things said and done, I've done all I could've done! Now (as everyone's told me) - it's all mental from here!
There's even a tracking in the running chip that we get. So if you're interested you can track where I'm at during the race! How's that!!!
Look up for more information!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A new day...
It was a difficult day yesterday, but today - a whole new day!
I think we need PEACE, LOVE, and need to PRAY!
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