First of all, I’d like to thank key people that helped me through this journey to the Honolulu Marathon… God… thank you for allowing me to walk, run, and do things that I am able to do because you made me to be who I am. Mom… for being my guardian angel, watching over me, taking care of me from where you are… it’s because of you that I am inspired by your determination when things were down, you still continued to persevere. I love you forever MOMMY!!!
To Emma Chang - You are an inspiration to all. In honor of you, your light will always shine in those that believe, that anything is possible. Thank you for being a part of this life. I know you are certainly shining in the next! Love and miss your light! God bless you!
To my Sis, Ger – my Manang… you have been MY wind and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Thank you for the carbo loading night! That was perfect!! Thank you for bringing my kiddies to the finish line! And the beautiful signs!!! Thank you for the pictures that I will FOREVER cherish. You captured expressions and moments that I will look back and tear and smile joyfully as I was able to cross the finish line.
My Chillin’s… Jayna – Thank you for the iShuffle “Kermit”…I was able to listen to music the entire duration of the race… Chrislyn – Thank you for loading HUNDREDS of music onto Kermit. I didn’t even get to loop through all the songs. How ironic that at the moment I was feeling down and only 2 miles to go, what song comes up? Today My Life Begins… Ethan – Thank you for always encouraging me that I can do it! Your hugs, your smiles, you make everything in the world disappear and I can only see you and your heart. Thank you. You three are my feet that keep me going!!!
My Friends – so countless! Trudie – encouraging me from afar and eating carbs to get ready “with” me. Chica Apisa – you are so forever my lifelong friend! Arna - for believing in me!!! You are a beautiful light! My co-workers Lele, Yushiu, Ashlyn, Christian, Joann, Sarah, Dennis… so many of you that helped me believe, get ready, and continue to encourage me. Lele, thank you for holding down the fort on Monday!!! HAF – Diane and Kimo… thank you for having Deana and I join and crossfit with your ‘ohana. I am so sorry we didn’t get to stop by! I was so sore!!!! My Leahi Moms gang… I am so grateful to have you all in my life! Thank you for believe in me too! Tracey… What can I say? I think we were soul sisters… I miss you immensely!!! To all my FB friends – you are amazing to me! Each and every post you wrote made me realize how I am blessed to have GREAT friends!!! I don’t want to miss anyone else, but know that I am SO grateful and encouraged and feel so LOVED by ALL OF YOU!!!
My running mate & best friend Deana – thank you. August 2010, you broke your right ankle and were out of commission for 5 months… no running, no jumping, no soccer, no nothing. You were determined to be physically fit and ready for spring soccer 2011. With pt all squared away, your first run was the Great Aloha Run. That was 8 miles… then the Ford Island Run 10K… the half marathon 13 miles… the Freedom Run 10K…the PF Chang 30K… Turkey Trot 10K… and now the 26 mile run – the Honolulu Marathon… What a year to complete that many runs and still played soccer! Yes, you inspire me! Even though I pushed you to run 16 miles, you pushed me the final 4 to keep going. Thank you for everything!!!
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