Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mokulele & his gals

It was my dog niece's birthday March 20th. She is officially 6 years old and feeling FIT! It's hard to believe that for a good portion of her little life, she was severely overweight. Yup, an overweight black lab. But with constant caring and putting her foot down, my Sis has gotten her exercising waaaaay better than before, sticking to just the main meals of the day, and no snacking or giving her unhealthy snacks. She deserved this homemade gluten free carrot cake!
Here's my son, so excited to show off the cake made by Auntie Rhino. I'm not sure if he helped because when I left to run errands, he was sleeping while Auntie Rhino was baking... hmmm...
And finally, the Love of his life - Baby Daisy. Earlier this was reversed. HE was sleeping and she was up watching tv. His first words when he met her (2 years ago) was "Um Auntie, she's crying." She, of course, was still baby. He being 3 years older than her... Then later (the same day!) he said "She's so cute! Baby Daisy is so cute!" And that's what started it. Whatever "it" is, he sees her and he's all shy but smiling. :)

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