Oldest passed her driving test!!! Yippee!!!
Enough said. :)
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Do you think...
Do you think I'm too soft?
Everyone I've talked to asked "Who has the kids?" and I tell them he does, they ask "Why?"
I'm sure he knows that with this one HUGE mistake, the possibility of losing the kids is pretty high. I don't want to take the kids away from him, but I did give him an opportunity to be PONO about everything. Can't blame me for his choice. I didn't choose the path - he did. His parents even discussed about taking the kids, but they don't have the rights to do that. His choice paved the way he's dealing with right now.
The kids are important and I need to make sure they are safe. I check in on them constantly to make sure...
Lots of prayers...
Everyone I've talked to asked "Who has the kids?" and I tell them he does, they ask "Why?"
I'm sure he knows that with this one HUGE mistake, the possibility of losing the kids is pretty high. I don't want to take the kids away from him, but I did give him an opportunity to be PONO about everything. Can't blame me for his choice. I didn't choose the path - he did. His parents even discussed about taking the kids, but they don't have the rights to do that. His choice paved the way he's dealing with right now.
The kids are important and I need to make sure they are safe. I check in on them constantly to make sure...
Lots of prayers...
Well, Christmas is coming.
Black Friday came and went. That was one busy night/day.
Now, into the first week of December and people are already sending in their Christmas cards AND I got 2 poinsettias already!!! I haven't gotten my tree yet, but it's coming... this weekend it's coming... Can't wait to set up the lights and make things festive.
I really do love the holidays and wish people could stay jolly all year round. Shouldn't take a lot of work right? Even for myself...
Okay so, plans to string up lights, put up the tree, buy the rest of the Christmas gifts and yippee! Relax.
Now, into the first week of December and people are already sending in their Christmas cards AND I got 2 poinsettias already!!! I haven't gotten my tree yet, but it's coming... this weekend it's coming... Can't wait to set up the lights and make things festive.
I really do love the holidays and wish people could stay jolly all year round. Shouldn't take a lot of work right? Even for myself...
Okay so, plans to string up lights, put up the tree, buy the rest of the Christmas gifts and yippee! Relax.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Black Friday coming soon...
Thanksgiving and all its trimmings will come soon. No.. haven't done the whole dinner thing yet with the kids and family.
Yes, I'm working Black Friday.
So what is there to be thankful for? A lot! I'm breathing, laughing, my health is great! I have a loving partner and wonderful kids! My sister and her family are so supportive! I have GREAT friends who love me unconditionally. Cousins who are amazingly resilient when they see where I started, how my family grew, how my ex and I grew apart, and now a whole new different life I lead.
I have God in my life. Yes, I do. I do my best to be a good Christian, and just as importantly, a good person.
I work 2 jobs - one being a full time job, and the other to have some extra money for any incidentals.
So Black Friday. A place and time I decided a long time ago I would not venture. It was CRAZY when we were kids! Mom used to drag us to all the sales and standing in lines and it was hot... Now, I get to work my FIRST midnight shift EVER.
So come to Old Navy and check out the sales! I'll be there!
Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday!
Yes, I'm working Black Friday.
So what is there to be thankful for? A lot! I'm breathing, laughing, my health is great! I have a loving partner and wonderful kids! My sister and her family are so supportive! I have GREAT friends who love me unconditionally. Cousins who are amazingly resilient when they see where I started, how my family grew, how my ex and I grew apart, and now a whole new different life I lead.
I have God in my life. Yes, I do. I do my best to be a good Christian, and just as importantly, a good person.
I work 2 jobs - one being a full time job, and the other to have some extra money for any incidentals.
So Black Friday. A place and time I decided a long time ago I would not venture. It was CRAZY when we were kids! Mom used to drag us to all the sales and standing in lines and it was hot... Now, I get to work my FIRST midnight shift EVER.
So come to Old Navy and check out the sales! I'll be there!
Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday!
There's a lot to be thankful for today... and always!
Happy Thanksgiving!
So much to be thankful for... I know I FB'd quite a bit, but there's so much more personal stuff I wanted to say...
Patudes - you are a blessing. I am so grateful for those Thursday emails and the talks we have. You know what has been going on and you continue to be a wonderful friend and confidante!
Chica - we were meant to be and we both know we were sisters in a lifetime... I miss you immensely! Thank you for being so understanding!!! I hope I can get myself out to you and the boys in the next year!!!
My kids - You are so strong and resilient! We've all put you through the ringer so many times, I know it hasn't been easy. It's been up.. down... we've had so really rough and crappy times.. there were moments of no talking.. then breakdowns... lots of growing up so quickly... Geez.. I thought that it couldn't get any worse but it did. And now we're here and we're all learning what it is to be stronger people and not take any more excuses EVER. Thank you for always believing and loving no matter what. I treasure you all so close to my heart!!! Please don't ever think I don't love you. It's forever, y'know.
Peanut - my bestest always. You have been through all the crap and laughs and the hard times.. the good times... I cannot count how many times you stayed to keep me positive. When things looked bad, you still stayed and prayed. You PRAYED for me! You put God in my life, you made Him important in my life and I know that is what keeps me strong. Who would've thunk that you of all people would believe so strongly in Him!! But I look at you and know that you will not turn away from Him because He's done so much for you.... for US. I love you!
Manwa - I am ever so thankful that throughout all the years, we finally came back together to live and learn! So much has changed since we were children right???? We're all HAPPY now and we live in the NOW. I continue to look to you for guidance, but know that I will make my decisions my decisions. Thank you for always believing in me. I know we're not just sisters anymore. We are friends and continue to love each other as adults! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
More writing later since I'm just emotional...
So much to be thankful for... I know I FB'd quite a bit, but there's so much more personal stuff I wanted to say...
Patudes - you are a blessing. I am so grateful for those Thursday emails and the talks we have. You know what has been going on and you continue to be a wonderful friend and confidante!
Chica - we were meant to be and we both know we were sisters in a lifetime... I miss you immensely! Thank you for being so understanding!!! I hope I can get myself out to you and the boys in the next year!!!
My kids - You are so strong and resilient! We've all put you through the ringer so many times, I know it hasn't been easy. It's been up.. down... we've had so really rough and crappy times.. there were moments of no talking.. then breakdowns... lots of growing up so quickly... Geez.. I thought that it couldn't get any worse but it did. And now we're here and we're all learning what it is to be stronger people and not take any more excuses EVER. Thank you for always believing and loving no matter what. I treasure you all so close to my heart!!! Please don't ever think I don't love you. It's forever, y'know.
Peanut - my bestest always. You have been through all the crap and laughs and the hard times.. the good times... I cannot count how many times you stayed to keep me positive. When things looked bad, you still stayed and prayed. You PRAYED for me! You put God in my life, you made Him important in my life and I know that is what keeps me strong. Who would've thunk that you of all people would believe so strongly in Him!! But I look at you and know that you will not turn away from Him because He's done so much for you.... for US. I love you!
Manwa - I am ever so thankful that throughout all the years, we finally came back together to live and learn! So much has changed since we were children right???? We're all HAPPY now and we live in the NOW. I continue to look to you for guidance, but know that I will make my decisions my decisions. Thank you for always believing in me. I know we're not just sisters anymore. We are friends and continue to love each other as adults! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
More writing later since I'm just emotional...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Another Thanksgiving coming
About 15 years ago, an incident change my life, my kids lives.
Today, here we are again, and this time, it's mind boggling. I thought the lies and deceit was done. But that was then. This is now. Is it any different? Maybe, but I really don't know anymore. How can it be truth when I don't really know if he's really telling the truth. The whole truth. At this point, it's not about him anymore. My counselor told me to let him go. The most important people I need to concentrate on are the kids. That's the bottome line.
The kids can't take the lies anymore. They can't trust him. They don't even want to talk to him. He didn't even call... The little one has no clue, but I'm sure he has an idea that something is not right. Not anymore.
I don't really like to air out the laundry in social networks... even blogging like this. I have to stop. Think. And then decide what to write without people knowing what is really going on.
For those of you who I already spoke to, you know. And it's hard. I have to stop trying to make sense about all this and move on. That's what people have told me today. Move on. Take care of the kids. They are priority.
When he's ready to be on the same page, then I'll consider. Until then, I can't believe anything he says.
He'll always be this. Always be tainted because he allowed it to happen over and over again. It's not like cancer or catching a cold. This. This is different.
If God said that He was throwing a few more challenges my way, I don't think I would've taken that route. But I don't have a choice on how they all happened. It just did. Now how do I handle it from here? That's the challenge.
Forgiveness will come. Just not yet. I'm not ready. Trust is certainly on the back burner.
So here we are again. Another Thanksgiving that is full of mixed emotions. I guess what I can say is that I am thankful it happened. The kids are aware and will not take it anymore. Thank you God for allowing that to happen. Make him take responsibility for his actions. Consequences on the way and then healing.. IF he has faith in himself to heal.
For the kids. Don't do it. Just don't.
Today, here we are again, and this time, it's mind boggling. I thought the lies and deceit was done. But that was then. This is now. Is it any different? Maybe, but I really don't know anymore. How can it be truth when I don't really know if he's really telling the truth. The whole truth. At this point, it's not about him anymore. My counselor told me to let him go. The most important people I need to concentrate on are the kids. That's the bottome line.
The kids can't take the lies anymore. They can't trust him. They don't even want to talk to him. He didn't even call... The little one has no clue, but I'm sure he has an idea that something is not right. Not anymore.
I don't really like to air out the laundry in social networks... even blogging like this. I have to stop. Think. And then decide what to write without people knowing what is really going on.
For those of you who I already spoke to, you know. And it's hard. I have to stop trying to make sense about all this and move on. That's what people have told me today. Move on. Take care of the kids. They are priority.
When he's ready to be on the same page, then I'll consider. Until then, I can't believe anything he says.
He'll always be this. Always be tainted because he allowed it to happen over and over again. It's not like cancer or catching a cold. This. This is different.
If God said that He was throwing a few more challenges my way, I don't think I would've taken that route. But I don't have a choice on how they all happened. It just did. Now how do I handle it from here? That's the challenge.
Forgiveness will come. Just not yet. I'm not ready. Trust is certainly on the back burner.
So here we are again. Another Thanksgiving that is full of mixed emotions. I guess what I can say is that I am thankful it happened. The kids are aware and will not take it anymore. Thank you God for allowing that to happen. Make him take responsibility for his actions. Consequences on the way and then healing.. IF he has faith in himself to heal.
For the kids. Don't do it. Just don't.
It’s like a death in the family
I’m numb. Thinking… how did this all happen?
WHY is really the question.
I think I have a lot in my head to even comprehend how and why.
As long as I keep the kids SAFE, then I can certainly move forward.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Truth and Consequences
Dear Diary,
I'm trying to figure out the best way to grasp this situation that has been building over the last couple of days... when in fact, it's been the last possible 10 years. I'm so naiive when it comes to people telling me, looking at me in the face, and believing what they tell me is truth. Okay. I get it. I give them the benefit of the doubt and decide that their lives are just as important as mine and I will make changes in my life to accommodate theirs.
I found out that the person I used to love just lied to me. Not only did he lie to me, he lied to his family and our kids. He's telling the truth now, but even now, I'm wondering how much of it is really the truth. There's been a string of events that really doesn't make sense, but is now making sense in a weird way. Sounds weird but there it is.
The kids - although he thinks they're okay, they're really not. One doesn't want to stay at home anymore. The other just stays out long enough and then hides out in her room. The youngest, he just wants to be loved. He says they're okay. They're fine. All is well. If he really listened to them, they're not. I'm not saying that I was an angel and when I left, it was great. Right now, it's just about taking care of the kids and keeping them safe.
Maybe I'm saying too much. Maybe I'm not saying enough. Either way, I'm finding out today because it's too much in my head to figure this all out. I don't like playing the guessing game and then be told a lie and then there's a much deeper "truth" to it all.
The consequence in all this - I don't know yet. I don't know what he's gonna say or do or ???? I'm sure I'll have more questions when he tells me the "truth".
I'm trying to figure out the best way to grasp this situation that has been building over the last couple of days... when in fact, it's been the last possible 10 years. I'm so naiive when it comes to people telling me, looking at me in the face, and believing what they tell me is truth. Okay. I get it. I give them the benefit of the doubt and decide that their lives are just as important as mine and I will make changes in my life to accommodate theirs.
I found out that the person I used to love just lied to me. Not only did he lie to me, he lied to his family and our kids. He's telling the truth now, but even now, I'm wondering how much of it is really the truth. There's been a string of events that really doesn't make sense, but is now making sense in a weird way. Sounds weird but there it is.
The kids - although he thinks they're okay, they're really not. One doesn't want to stay at home anymore. The other just stays out long enough and then hides out in her room. The youngest, he just wants to be loved. He says they're okay. They're fine. All is well. If he really listened to them, they're not. I'm not saying that I was an angel and when I left, it was great. Right now, it's just about taking care of the kids and keeping them safe.
Maybe I'm saying too much. Maybe I'm not saying enough. Either way, I'm finding out today because it's too much in my head to figure this all out. I don't like playing the guessing game and then be told a lie and then there's a much deeper "truth" to it all.
The consequence in all this - I don't know yet. I don't know what he's gonna say or do or ???? I'm sure I'll have more questions when he tells me the "truth".
Monday, November 12, 2012
Trying to stay positive
Everyday when I am at work, someone comes to our area and asks "Hi! How are you doing?" My general answer has been "Wonderful!" or "Great!"
I try not to start the day with a grumble or a whine. Each day that is brought before us is truly a gift. Yes, corny as that sounds, it's true. I used to think negatively... just living the day out with activities to do... stuff that need to be done... just mundane day to day STUFF.
When I realized how I was so lucky to get a job at a time when they weren't even really hiring, how could it be that bad? So after 4 1/2 years, I still say it's a wonderful day... it's a GREAT day! I'm so lucky to work with amazing ladies who put out to the company each and every day.
I try not to start the day with a grumble or a whine. Each day that is brought before us is truly a gift. Yes, corny as that sounds, it's true. I used to think negatively... just living the day out with activities to do... stuff that need to be done... just mundane day to day STUFF.
When I realized how I was so lucky to get a job at a time when they weren't even really hiring, how could it be that bad? So after 4 1/2 years, I still say it's a wonderful day... it's a GREAT day! I'm so lucky to work with amazing ladies who put out to the company each and every day.
Friday, November 9, 2012
First boyfriend...
My daughter called me yesterday with this "voice" I know when she's excited about something. She has her first boyfriend at 18 years old. She's giggly. She's in heaven. She's in love!
She thought I was going to freak out on her. Can you believe that? After all our family has gone through? I told her (and laughing) "Really Kawai? Really? Look at our crazy family. I can't freak out really."
I asked her if she was happy, and of course it's a YES. Then the next step was to make sure she was SAFE. I am not ready to be a gran'ma!!!
All in all, I am honestly happy for her. She's my first born, my little love. I'll always protect her. ALWAYS.
She thought I was going to freak out on her. Can you believe that? After all our family has gone through? I told her (and laughing) "Really Kawai? Really? Look at our crazy family. I can't freak out really."
I asked her if she was happy, and of course it's a YES. Then the next step was to make sure she was SAFE. I am not ready to be a gran'ma!!!
All in all, I am honestly happy for her. She's my first born, my little love. I'll always protect her. ALWAYS.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
My To Do List...
Thank you Sis for this list. I actually keep this on my computer to look at everyday to remind me that there's so much more important things to remember:
1. Count my blessings
2. Practice kindness
3. Let go of what I can't control
4. Listen to my heart
5. Be productive yet calm (that's a good one)
6. Just breathe
In my every day being, I get caught up with STUFF. What a wonderful reminder to stop, read and last of all BREATHE.
1. Count my blessings
2. Practice kindness
3. Let go of what I can't control
4. Listen to my heart
5. Be productive yet calm (that's a good one)
6. Just breathe
In my every day being, I get caught up with STUFF. What a wonderful reminder to stop, read and last of all BREATHE.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Running since my birthday...
So since posting back in February... what races did I run?
- Great Aloha Run
- Ford Island 10K
- Ford Island's run, walk, remembrance
- Susan Komen Run
- Freedom Run
- Recovery Run & Walk
Now up and coming..
- Turkey Trot 10K
- Honolulu Marathon
I haven't really done much running really. Not consistently every week. The marathon is just a month away and I need to get myself ready! Last year, I was with Hardass Fitness, doing CrossFit.. but due to timing and $$, I just couldn't get it together. Kimo & Diane were so gracious to have us join and workout. I'll never forget their generosity!
This year, I'm at least putting in some boot camp at work that one of the physicians is holding every Thursday at lunch. Yoga on Fridays. Soccer on Sundays. That's it. I need to run.
Must run...
- Great Aloha Run
- Ford Island 10K
- Ford Island's run, walk, remembrance
- Susan Komen Run
- Freedom Run
- Recovery Run & Walk
Now up and coming..
- Turkey Trot 10K
- Honolulu Marathon
I haven't really done much running really. Not consistently every week. The marathon is just a month away and I need to get myself ready! Last year, I was with Hardass Fitness, doing CrossFit.. but due to timing and $$, I just couldn't get it together. Kimo & Diane were so gracious to have us join and workout. I'll never forget their generosity!
This year, I'm at least putting in some boot camp at work that one of the physicians is holding every Thursday at lunch. Yoga on Fridays. Soccer on Sundays. That's it. I need to run.
Must run...
Dear President Obama...
"Hana Hou" is the title of today's morning Star Advertiser. Yes, thank you everyone for voting back another 4 more years with our current President. I'm happy and satisfied with my choices this year.
Yay to upholding the rights for women to have abortions, people who can choose to have same sex marriages, and taking care of our senior citizens. Okay, so the marijiuana approval... interesting... let's see how that plays out.
Thank you Mr. President. Now, you can make the changes you keep talking about and I know you will accomplish in these next four years.
Yay to upholding the rights for women to have abortions, people who can choose to have same sex marriages, and taking care of our senior citizens. Okay, so the marijiuana approval... interesting... let's see how that plays out.
Thank you Mr. President. Now, you can make the changes you keep talking about and I know you will accomplish in these next four years.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Voting Today - Make a difference!!!
I voted today...
Between the top two candidates, President Obama and Mitt Romney, I had to figure out who would, in the end, be the better choice. It didn't really matter about military or taxes. To me, it was about Medicare/Medicaid - our elderly are so important! One day, we will be in that position!
Then about upholding the Roe vs. Wade - abortion should always be a choice for women. To not give a choice at all, will only leave women to do things "illegally". Men are lucky they don't really have to take on this type of "burden" of a choice.
And finally about the rights for gays and lesbians... everyone should have the right to be with whoever they want and get the same rights as heterosexuals. Yes, speaking strongly and it's true.
And for those of you that actually lie that you're going to vote, shame on you. Your proof that you voted doesn't count if you "borrow" a friend's voting receipt.
Between the top two candidates, President Obama and Mitt Romney, I had to figure out who would, in the end, be the better choice. It didn't really matter about military or taxes. To me, it was about Medicare/Medicaid - our elderly are so important! One day, we will be in that position!
Then about upholding the Roe vs. Wade - abortion should always be a choice for women. To not give a choice at all, will only leave women to do things "illegally". Men are lucky they don't really have to take on this type of "burden" of a choice.
And finally about the rights for gays and lesbians... everyone should have the right to be with whoever they want and get the same rights as heterosexuals. Yes, speaking strongly and it's true.
And for those of you that actually lie that you're going to vote, shame on you. Your proof that you voted doesn't count if you "borrow" a friend's voting receipt.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Clearing my head
I'm so amazed by the way how people accept life as it is and others who choose to differ.
I think that all these years, I thought that I needed that white picket fence, the house with 3 bedrooms, a big yard... I don't. I don't need those "things". It's nice sure. But I've had too much stuff that's happened over the years... I've had this childhood belief that I wanted the Cinderella life...
This is reality.. and from here, I can make it whatever I want.
And I want to simply be happy.
Me. Happy. It can happen and it really is up to me to find that happiness. No one else can.
And that to me, makes all the difference.
I think that all these years, I thought that I needed that white picket fence, the house with 3 bedrooms, a big yard... I don't. I don't need those "things". It's nice sure. But I've had too much stuff that's happened over the years... I've had this childhood belief that I wanted the Cinderella life...
This is reality.. and from here, I can make it whatever I want.
And I want to simply be happy.
Me. Happy. It can happen and it really is up to me to find that happiness. No one else can.
And that to me, makes all the difference.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I love where I live
Everything is so close now that I live in town. Five minute walk to work... five minute walk to the stores around me... Ala Moana just about 10 minutes but really five if I run.
I'm home today... sick... my throat is clogged up so talking is not an option.
It's too bright to sleep... too noisy with the trucks passing by so often.
Can't complain though. It's still much better than being where I was before. It's a place I can call HOME.
I love where I live.
I'm home today... sick... my throat is clogged up so talking is not an option.
It's too bright to sleep... too noisy with the trucks passing by so often.
Can't complain though. It's still much better than being where I was before. It's a place I can call HOME.
I love where I live.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Tsunami, soccer, and change
I'm always so amazed by what God challenges us with at all times. Sometimes, it's small and "insignificant"... but that's just because He's trying to get our attention to see if we respond in a positive way.
In the last two weeks, our company went through quite a few layoffs. Very challenging. Friends of mine that I lost in the company.. but I know He's just telling all of us that change happens. We can't stay in a foxhole forever.
I enjoy my time at GBC Pearlside and my soccer team. They are my Sunday mantra!!!
Pastor Norman is amazing and so inspiring. I know I get my weekly dose from him to keep me positive and thankful for everything I receive.
We picked up a new gal for soccer today and she's right on awesome. :)
I'm always so proud of our ladies - we hang in there and enjoy the game as well as continuing to learn about each other. Today was no different. Sun - hot. Running - tired. But for the most part, generally FUN!
In the last two weeks, our company went through quite a few layoffs. Very challenging. Friends of mine that I lost in the company.. but I know He's just telling all of us that change happens. We can't stay in a foxhole forever.
I enjoy my time at GBC Pearlside and my soccer team. They are my Sunday mantra!!!
Pastor Norman is amazing and so inspiring. I know I get my weekly dose from him to keep me positive and thankful for everything I receive.
We picked up a new gal for soccer today and she's right on awesome. :)
I'm always so proud of our ladies - we hang in there and enjoy the game as well as continuing to learn about each other. Today was no different. Sun - hot. Running - tired. But for the most part, generally FUN!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Graduation, learnings, and just plain trying...
Did I tell you that my oldest finally graduated high school? A 13 year student at Kamehameha Schools and she finally did it. I cannot put into words all the things that have been going through my mind since she was a little girl and now a grown woman.
It's been certainly a journey that as parents, we don't really know what's gonna happen each step of the way. Oh yeah, there are manuals, books, and even going to counseling sessions to help us be better parents. What the books don't really tell you is all the heartaches, the twists and turns that no flow chart can follow. Everyday is an adventure, not a consequence. A challenge, and a choice.
There are many choices I know she could've made - ones that her fellow classmates took and well, there were harsh consequences (getting kicked out of school) or lifetime learnings (having a baby). Peer pressure is still difficult as ever, and still choices that each teen needs to make for his/herself.
I've pushed her to be better than who she really is... and of course, she resisted; being the teenager and all. She didn't realize how much potential she had that has always been God given. Now, she knows. She's finally "grown" into her skin and has matured into a beautiful, young lady.
I am so proud of my daughter. We've gone through our struggles, our "I don't want to talk to you" moments... and through it all, we persevered. We loved. I loved! I wouldn't change it for anything.
Thank you God for all that you've given me in this child of mine. She has always been a blessing.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
your thoughts...
Do you think sometimes life just had a funny way of throwing things at you, making it hard? Or that timing is horribly wrong when you meet the right person? Watching one of my favorite movies... You've Got Mail...
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
It's all G from here on out
So after a long two weeks of craziness and name calling and gosh what else??? Ho'oponopono happened and it's all good.
It's good to know that people have a conscience and can see the right from wrong. Sometimes, misplaced or displaced anger just gets out of hand and no one understands why. Then once explained, everyone understands.
Words were already said, spoken, hurt happened... but with a simple "I'm sorry" helps in the healing.
Glad that we're moving on and helping each other grow from all this...
It's good to know that people have a conscience and can see the right from wrong. Sometimes, misplaced or displaced anger just gets out of hand and no one understands why. Then once explained, everyone understands.
Words were already said, spoken, hurt happened... but with a simple "I'm sorry" helps in the healing.
Glad that we're moving on and helping each other grow from all this...
Monday, April 9, 2012
My God says to Your God...
This weekend I was told by a close "family friend", "My God says that you are an abomination."
I don't do drugs. I an certainly not an alcoholic. I don't steal or am planning on living the life of a theif. I don't beat my kids or hurt any animals. When I drive, I try to stay in the speed limit and follow the rules. I got good grades in school. Graduated with honors. I raised my kids to be respectable people; even making sure my son opens the door for anyone (being a gentleman that he is). Yes, my kids do say please and thank you for everything.
So I suppose the reason why this was said to me was because of the lifestyle I chose to lead.
I do go to church - Grace Bible Church - and worship God. I tithe every Sunday that I do go (which is about 3 out of the 4 times a month).
But... Apparently He's different than the the other God that this person told me she worships. I try to lead an honest life, loving my kids, my family, my partner, my God. I work at a place that I hope I make a difference in someone's life; bringing positive energies and love to as many people I meet.
This being said, I'm discouraged. :( Yes, God does forgive. This I know. But to be told I am an abomination to her God, the words alone hurt.
I don't do drugs. I an certainly not an alcoholic. I don't steal or am planning on living the life of a theif. I don't beat my kids or hurt any animals. When I drive, I try to stay in the speed limit and follow the rules. I got good grades in school. Graduated with honors. I raised my kids to be respectable people; even making sure my son opens the door for anyone (being a gentleman that he is). Yes, my kids do say please and thank you for everything.
So I suppose the reason why this was said to me was because of the lifestyle I chose to lead.
I do go to church - Grace Bible Church - and worship God. I tithe every Sunday that I do go (which is about 3 out of the 4 times a month).
But... Apparently He's different than the the other God that this person told me she worships. I try to lead an honest life, loving my kids, my family, my partner, my God. I work at a place that I hope I make a difference in someone's life; bringing positive energies and love to as many people I meet.
This being said, I'm discouraged. :( Yes, God does forgive. This I know. But to be told I am an abomination to her God, the words alone hurt.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Growing up...
It's come to my attention that the world is certainly a very "scary" place as my little ones are no longer "little". I could protect them from all the harmful elements and be their guardian.
As time passes, they're growing older... I can't do that anymore. I have to trust their judgement, their choices... they'll be fine, right?
Last night, I found out that one of our girls that we used to coach is in the hospital.. ICU... fighting for her life. Why? A choice she made. Costing her, her life.
I listened to her parents talk so lovingly about her, how she was going to UH Hilo, playing soccer, on the long distance running team... happy, starting her life as a young adult...
We went in to see her.. she looked so peaceful, even though she had all these tubes and IV lines in her. We stood on each side and prayed with her family.
Only God will be able to answer the next questions - will she survive? Will she go home? How will she be if she gets out of it?
I don't ever want to be in that position that her parents are in. I can't even fathom the thought...I cried. I hugged.
So, for any of you that even think that it's just a Spring Break party, think again. There are more things offered there than just a good time with friends.
As time passes, they're growing older... I can't do that anymore. I have to trust their judgement, their choices... they'll be fine, right?
Last night, I found out that one of our girls that we used to coach is in the hospital.. ICU... fighting for her life. Why? A choice she made. Costing her, her life.
I listened to her parents talk so lovingly about her, how she was going to UH Hilo, playing soccer, on the long distance running team... happy, starting her life as a young adult...
We went in to see her.. she looked so peaceful, even though she had all these tubes and IV lines in her. We stood on each side and prayed with her family.
Only God will be able to answer the next questions - will she survive? Will she go home? How will she be if she gets out of it?
I don't ever want to be in that position that her parents are in. I can't even fathom the thought...I cried. I hugged.
So, for any of you that even think that it's just a Spring Break party, think again. There are more things offered there than just a good time with friends.
Monday, February 27, 2012
I've Decided...
My birthday's come and gone, but my request is still going! I would like to have everyone that I know - run a race this year. Yup, any race. Could be a 5K, 10K, or even the marathon!
I've already done the Great Aloha Run. Next up (so far that I've signed up for):
March 4th - Women's 10K - used to be the Straub 10K - my kids will be running with me on this one!
April 7th - Ford Island Run - 10K
May - ??
Towards the end of the year:
September - half marathon
October - another 10K
November - PF Chang's 30K
December - Marathon
IF you run/jog/walk any of these races, then I'll have a shirt that will say "Flower Power" on it - and a thank you for keeping yourself healthy! Sounds like a good deal right?
Who's in???
I've already done the Great Aloha Run. Next up (so far that I've signed up for):
March 4th - Women's 10K - used to be the Straub 10K - my kids will be running with me on this one!
April 7th - Ford Island Run - 10K
May - ??
Towards the end of the year:
September - half marathon
October - another 10K
November - PF Chang's 30K
December - Marathon
IF you run/jog/walk any of these races, then I'll have a shirt that will say "Flower Power" on it - and a thank you for keeping yourself healthy! Sounds like a good deal right?
Who's in???
Thursday, February 23, 2012
It's already February...
Okay - so to recap - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite Auntie on new year's day! Although she's gone from this world, when I "pop" those fireworks, I know I'm celebrating her beautiful life she LIVED!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my LOVING and very patience Sis - Ger!!! Thank you for all that you do and have done for me and the kiddies!!! Thank you for letting us hang at the house and take care of all the creatures that live there. LOVE Pua and Kia'i and all the chickens...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Arna! Fellow Aquarian!!! I am so blessed to have a patient soul as you! The party with you and Tiki was AMAZING!!! Oh, and can't forget our Reggae friend Bob Marley!!!
And here we are, passing my Birthday another year! A HUGE mahalo to my bestest friend - Deana - for surprising me with a GREAT birthday party! My high school friends, my family were all present to enjoy the festivities!
The Great Aloha Run was a SUCCESS as usual - Mahalo to Leahi Soccer Club for all their help!!!Soccer has still been happening through out the last two months - Makule Team C! We did pretty good with just 2 losses. I truly enjoyed the playing and learning.
Spring Soccer will start this upcoming Sunday and I can't wait!!!
Monday - House sit again! Yippee!!! AND how fortunate Sis gets to go to New Zealand!!! So happy for her!!! Please angels, fairies, and other positive lovely souls - watch over them as they travel far!!! Take care of them!!!
More to blog later - I'll do my best to keep up every day or every other...
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